First Spanish patent application of the Windcrete concept was filled in 2011. Now, there are three granted Spanish patents protecting the concept and the installation (ES2415767 B2, ES 2 422 664 Al and ES2461065). In addition, the Windcrete concept is protected by the US patent: US 20150308068 A1.
The proof of concept project AFOSP was develop since 2012 to 2014 in the frame of KIC Innoenergy in a consortium composed of Gas Natural Fenosa, University of Stuttgart and UPC – BarcelonaTech. Numerical simulations and reduced scale experiments were performed in order to assess the properties and viability of Windcrete concept. This project was very successful and now everything is ready for developing detailed engineering for the construction of a real scale prototype.

Climent Molins
Prof. Dr. Civil Engineer

Xavi Gironella
Prof. Dr. Civil Engineer

Alexis Campos
M.Sc. Civil Engineer

Daniel Alarcón
M.Sc. Civil Engineer

Pau Trubat
M.Sc. Civil Engineer