New Master Thesis finds Windcrete to be the most environmentally friendly Floating Offshore Wind Solution from an LCA perspective


The study evaluated five different implementation scenarios that took into account turbine performance degradation and lifespan variations of plus and minus five years to the expected 50 year lifespan. Both specialized software and hand calculations were utilized with good accordance. Finally, the recently published research reveals how Windcrete’s Floating Substructure will release around 5.5 gCO2/kWh and will only an Energy Payback Time of around 0.75 years. To put this values into perspective, PV panels round 100 gCO2/kWhe, Combined Heat and Power 228 and coal 1046 respectively.

With this positive results we continue to work towards developing environmentally friendly energy solutions that can supply the energy transition our planet needs.


Figure 1. Comparison of key LCA indicative values for Windcrete.

[1] Wells, J. (2016). Life Cycle Analysis of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine. Available at: