Offshore wind power plants are reaching incredibly low prices


The Swedish energy company Vattenfall won the tender for the Danish part of the Kriegers Flak project with a bid of EUR 49.9 per MWh. This is the lowest bid ever reached, achieving a reduction of 58% from the original cap of EUR 120 per MWh. From the first sources Vattenfall will invest EUR 1.1 – 1.3 billion in the Kriegers Flak project.

The construction of the farm in the Baltic Sea will provide 600 MW of renewable energy to Denmark, taking the nation closer to its 2012’s goal of becoming a green and resource efficient economy, independent of fossil fuel by 2050. The power to be installed will be added, in fact, to the one already expected to be produced by Vattenfall due to the previous winning of the tenders for the 350MW Danish Near Shore project and for the one of 400 MW Horns Rev 3.

In order to read the Vattenfall press release, it is possible to click this link .

This news is highly interesting for the market of energy generation from renewable sources, in fact up to now the prices of renewables are still too high to be undoubtedly competitive, but we are maybe reaching a good point.